How much should wedding photography cost?

So, how much should you look to pay for a wedding photographer?

There is no real objective, quick answer for this in my opinion, it would be a short blog post if there was! In this blog I will try and sum up some key details you need to consider before booking and paying for your wedding photographer.

Whatever you pay, it’s going to be a decision and a payment that should be very well considered beforehand. It really can be a bit of a minefield when it comes to choosing a wedding photographer and deciding what to pay, so I will start with my most important point first - Make sure you love the style of their work. The memories of your wedding day that are captured in images are what you are predominantly paying for - beautiful, timeless imagery that captures your day properly. You should find a photographer that has a style that you connect with. Here is where the pricing dilemma can crop up..

What if we find a photographer who is starting out and is cheap!?

I remember being in that position, and there are deals to be had. From my perspective, I look back on the first few weddings I photographed (very cheap as a way to get started) and cringe - my work has improved greatly since I first started - which is to be expected! I am always looking to improve how I photograph a wedding day, to be constantly looking to improve is to make sure you don’t get stuck being happy and complacent in the work you currently do. Having said that - if you find someone who is starting out (and therefore may be cheaper) and is particularly talented and has a style you love, they may be an option.

My suggestions would be as follows..

  • Make sure they have a portfolio of work that you love that includes capturing people, preferably under natural light and also inside. If you think of a wedding day - there are various different lighting scenarios - part of capturing your day properly is knowing how to work with difficult lighting set ups.

  • Ideally, they should have some reviews from people they have worked with previously, as a benchmark I’d advise on at least five. Weddings are fast-paced, potentially stressful, and long days - it can be a shock as a photographer new to it.

Some final things to consider..

The wedding photographer market is so varied. It’s totally possible that you may see a photographer with a style you really don’t like that charges £2500 for a wedding day that is extremely popular with their market and therefore has the ability to charge that amount, compared with a photographer you love who charges far less. It’s all about finding a photographer who’s work you love, and ideally has a track record of delivering an excellent wedding day experience.

I hope this has been helpful for you,

Jonny x